Зверніть увагу: цей сайт стає архівним, але не засмучуйтеся. Тепер Reporters — не онлайн-медіа з друкованою версією, а навпаки: паперовий журнал, що виходить 4 рази на рік і має діджитал-доступ для нашої Спільноти. Долучайтеся, щоб читати і дивитися усі нові репортажі та фотоісторії на сайті The Ukrainians Media та регулярно отримувати свій друкований Reporters


    Don’t go outside — there are tanks out there 
    Don’t go outside — there are tanks out there 
    How locals from a liberated village in the Kyiv Region rebuild their homes again and again
    The Black Snot of Memory
    15 May 2023
    The Black Snot of Memory
    A house should be in order, even if the house itself is no longer there
    Get Ready to Fight
    22 February 2023
    Get Ready to Fight
    How the battle for Ukraine unfolded at the desk of General Zaluzhnyi. Report from the Commander-in-Chief's office
    The Ukrainian Сathedral in Piazza del Duomo
    9 January 2023
    The Ukrainian Сathedral in Piazza del Duomo
    Ukrainians of Milan have been rallying against the war for 300 days. Photo story by the Italian photographer Lorenzo Ceva Valla
    This is Dave, I’ve Come to Save You
    22 November 2022
    This is Dave, I’ve Come to Save You
    A 56-year-old Briton evacuates Ukrainians from the front line
    Patched Up Souls
    Patched Up Souls
    US plastic surgeons operate on Ukrainians whose faces were scarred by the war. Photo story
    The Apple Orchard
    26 September 2022
    The Apple Orchard
    How the search for redemption following one war helps to keep going in another

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