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    Manufacturing in Two Shifts
    Manufacturing in Two Shifts
    For the past eight years, a small family business run by an ambitious engineer has been transforming pieces of metal into components for new prosthetic limbs
    This Is Going to Be Our Joy
    This Is Going to Be Our Joy
    How a war veteran who lost both arms has found the resilience to live, work, and create against all odds
    We had to learn to help each other, not go through pain on repeat
    13 February 2024
    We had to learn to help each other, not go through pain on repeat
    How families of missing persons unite to support each other through anger, hurt and confusion
    In search of Christmas in Donbas
    In search of Christmas in Donbas
    What Ukrainian soldiers want for Christmas. Photos by Albert Lores
    Sacred ground
    Sacred ground
    "Humanity manifests itself in the midst of the darkness of war." The story of Solomakhyno Ranch
    Under One Dome
    Under One Dome
    What keeps the people going in the twice-destroyed Peremoha
    A handful of breadcrumbs
    13 February 2024
    A handful of breadcrumbs
    A story of how Holodomor survivors were silenced for half a century
    “It’s just fate that you are still alive”
    “It’s just fate that you are still alive”
    How a former arts and crafts teacher defends the Ukrainian border in the Sumy region and builds memorials for fallen comrades
    A house above all others
    A house above all others
    A story of one Chernihiv building after the Chornobyl reactor explosion and before the Russian bomb attack

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