Зверніть увагу: цей сайт стає архівним, але не засмучуйтеся. Тепер Reporters — не онлайн-медіа з друкованою версією, а навпаки: паперовий журнал, що виходить 4 рази на рік і має діджитал-доступ для нашої Спільноти. Долучайтеся, щоб читати і дивитися усі нові репортажі та фотоісторії на сайті The Ukrainians Media та регулярно отримувати свій друкований Reporters


    Our team works daily to create large and visually aesthetic reportages highlighting unique stories.
    We do this with the belief in high-quality and independent journalism in Ukraine. Our editorial office is free from commercial bias and does not depend on the wishes of oligarchs or investors.
    The most important for us have always been and always will be our readers and our team of journalists, who are creating the project.

    Building media in Ukraine is a difficult and risky job that requires a lot of resources, nerves, and time. However, we believe that it is possible.
    The gradual development of our media projects — for example, The Ukrainians or Creatives — is proof that there are many people who understand the value of independent media. Someone is an active reader, someone supports the project financially.

    Literary reportage is one of the most difficult and expensive genres of journalism. The creation of each text is long and painstaking teamwork: the author’s trip to be “in the thick of things”, many hours of interviewing the characters, writing a content-deep text, editing, and proofreading, photographing, organizing all these processes, and more.
    It’s not cheap, but it makes sense. We are confident that it’s worth investing knowledge and resources in creating quality content because our readers all over the world definitely deserve it.

    For example, in order to create and publish a report worth USD 200 we need to have 40 supporters of the project who will donate 5$ each.

    If we want to publish one text every week, then we need 160 supporters. For 10 texts a month — 400 supporters are needed.

    Each of your contributions — whether it’s 5$ or 50$ — will allow us to tell more stories about events, phenomena, and people who are changing our country and the world.

    If you’re not indifferent to the state of Ukrainian media and are ready to support Reporters. systematically — subscribe to our Patreon and help the exceptional articles be seen.

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