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    The Earth Gave, and the Earth Has Taken Away
    17 October 2019
    The Earth Gave, and the Earth Has Taken Away
    Wife to widow: how to live when your husband never returned from the mines
    The Early Bird Gets the Nikes
    2 October 2019
    The Early Bird Gets the Nikes
    What happens on delivery day at the thrift store
    A 300 for a 300
    25 September 2019
    A 300 for a 300
    The story of a quiet prisoner exchange
    Time for Silence
    1 October 2019
    Time for Silence
    How a month of volunteering on a foreign farm changed the life of a musician, and why taking to the streets with his instrument is now a matter of freedom for him
    Quiet Deliveries
    19 September 2019
    Quiet Deliveries
    How women who lose their newborns remain alone with their emptiness and fill it with love all on their own
    The March of Life
    19 September 2019
    The March of Life
    Descendents of criminals and their victims walked the Lviv Jews’ “road to death”: how the new generations seek forgiveness and understanding
    Radioactive Tourism
    24 September 2019
    Radioactive Tourism
    Why do foreigners love Chornobyl and how the tourist industry is (not) restoring the exclusion zone
    Adult Traumas
    10 September 2019
    Adult Traumas
    A photostory by Igor Yefimov about an accident saving the life of a military man, and the will power on the way to recovery
    Born in Mesopotamia
    10 September 2019
    Born in Mesopotamia
    The Assyrian state ceased to exist before our era, but its people are still alive today, particularly in Ukraine

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